Wednesday 27 July 2016

Comfort zone moments

Sometimes our lives look quite different from how we lived in England. Most of the time, our lives are pretty similar but with a slight twist. Or, depending on the occasion, a bit more than a slight twist and more a 'turn 180 degrees' kind of twist. You get used to it, but the first time time of doing most things is usually involves some twists and turns. Or multiple twists and turns - J's vaccinations being a prime example and a saga that is not yet complete.

But sometimes I get to stay in my comfort zone and do something for the first time exactly the same way I would have done it back in England. Getting biro marks out of the sofa (yep, I was foolish enough to leave a pen unattended on the sofa within reach of J) - my mum was still my first port of call and the supermarkets here also sell Vanish. Trying out a new recipe. Doing flour and water finger painting with J.

(Although for the finger painting, I have to confess that I found the instructions online but L chivalrously did the finger painting with J while I studied.)

I know the times I got to stay in my comfort zone because when I look back on the first time doing them, I look at the 'what' and not the 'how'. I see the end result and don't think about how it got achieved. I look back at them and there are no associations of uncertainty, stress and helplessness that pop into my head.

Moving here is a huge change, don't get me wrong. Even when things here look outwardly very similar to Western countries, this country has a different soul. I'm not always particularly thankful to be living in such a big city, but I am also trying to remember that the upside of spending our first two years here means that we can adjust to Turkey a bit more gradually and enjoy those comfort zone moments.