Tuesday 10 April 2018

Two things for a Tuesday morning

Two slightly random things happened to me today.

The first one was that, while trying to push open the heavy front door to our apartment block (that swings shut by itself) at the same time as get the brake off the pushchair (with J inside) to bump it up the two steps to get the front door, with S strapped to my front in the baby carrier as well, the driver of a car that was going down the street in front of our house stopped his car, got out and ran around to help me get the pushchair inside. What an incredibly kind gesture.

The second was that the nurse from our health centre telephoned me and spoke to me in fast Turkish to tell me about something that had opened near to my house. I'm going to admit, I misheard and thought she was telling me that there was a closer health centre to my house (because in fact there is, and I knew that already). Then she sent me the details of what she was talking about on whatsapp (and the odd thing is that I don't even think its strange anymore that the nurse from a government-operated health centre should whatsapp me) and it was the details of a new kebab shop that has opened very close to our flat. I'm assuming that its a friend or family member who has opened the shop and it was kind of her to think of telling people who may live close by. But still, it was slightly random.

Have you had any random things happen to you today?