Monday 19 November 2018

Things a 3.5 year old says

J is at a lovely age (most of the time). His English vocabulary is rapidly expanding - as is his Turkish vocabulary, although not to the same extent. His running commentary on life certainly makes life more interesting and frequently entertaining. Occasionally L and I find ourselves trying desperately not to laugh.

Here's a few highlights from the last few weeks:

"Thank you for my beautiful tea Mummy!"

"S is a terror!" (L is to blame for that one, not me!)

Me: "We're going to the zoo! What do you think we're going to see?"
J: "A pterodactyl?"

[J announces to a Turkish visitor at our house] "I'm making bacon! This is my bacon! I like bacon sandwiches!"

Me: "What do you think Gilly Babes [my mum] would like for her birthday?
J: "A dumper truck!"

[J trying to teach S to talk] "Say 'Thomas [the tank engine] and friends'"

"This is my train. His name is Trainy."

[J to S] "Don't knock my tower over, little one."