Wednesday 24 February 2016

Being All There

Naming a blog is a funny thing. You want something that sounds clever and possibly witty, if it can be managed - something that other people will see and wish they'd thought of that themselves. Something a little intriguing, maybe a little literary even (after all, you are publishing your thoughts to the entirety of the Internet). And of course, original. And if it could give some clue as to the theme and focus of your blog, that would be ideal. 

Being singularly unable to come up with anything original, never mind witty, I've settled on a reference to one of my favourite quotes from a person who lived out his words, well and truly. 

"Whatever you do, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God."

I want to 'be all there' in this new situation that we'll soon find ourselves in. I want to be living 'to the hilt', giving ourselves to this new country for as long as God would have us there.

So, pull up a chair and join me as I try and figure out what it means for us to 'be all there' -  the adventures, the adjustments (both the good and the more challenging), the ups and downs of daily life in a new country, and of course the inevitable language fails.

And just to let you know, comments will be disabled on this blog but that doesn't mean I'm being anti-social. I'd love to hear from you - whether comments, questions, or just a quick hello - but by email please! (To email me, click on 'View my complete profile' on the right, in the About Me section, and it'll take you to my profile page. On the left hand side of that page, click or hover over 'Email' under Contact me.)