Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Guess what I found last week

(There's been a bit of a lull in blogging but now we have Internet at home (hurray!) and no longer have to carefully conserve our mobile Internet. So now I should be able to blog more regularly.)

The other day I was having a quick look around in a 5 lira shop which is basically the Turkish equivalent of a pound shop, except that it specialises in kitchenware and lots of the things it sells are not 5 lira. And guess what I stumbled across?

This isn't any old casserole dish though.

This is a George Home casserole dish, which I found somewhat amusing. I have no idea how it ended up in a small shop here. And, readers, I bought it (because I did genuinely need a casserole dish). Although with the weather heating up here, I'm not sure I'll be making many hearty stews any time soon.

Note - for this post to make any sense, you really have to know who I worked for, pre-baby. Otherwise it's a slightly random picture of a casserole dish.