Monday, 25 February 2019

Monday encouragement

I read this post this morning and was so encouraged by it.

Our Sunday gathering starts at almost exactly the time that J and S eat lunch and S usually goes down for his nap. So almost every week usually involves L or I dealing with a tired, but stimulated enough by everything going on that he has no intention of sleeping, toddler who keeps going until well past his normal nap time then crashes out in the car on the way home but only sleeps the 15 minute length of the car journey.

So it was good to remember the day after that what was, for various reasons, a particularly hard Sunday, that Sundays are good for our small children.

"Sundays may mean disrupted naps and delayed meals, but our children are trading earthly provision for something far better for their undying souls. On Sundays, everything is rearranged so that they might hear the Word proclaimed in the power of the Spirit. On Sundays, every ordinary thing takes a lesser place in favor of “the one thing necessary”." (article linked above)